My spiritual walk with hospice

Categories: People & Places.

As we continued our #HospiceVisits, we caught up with Iris Lister, who is currently volunteering at @Peace Care Centre. She brings a rich amount of spiritual support and guidance to the patients. She elaborated on her journey to us.

How did you hear about @Peace Care Centre?

I heard about @Peace through the ministry at the hospital at which I was working. I recall many of the nurses and patients telling me about @Peace, and that they were going there. I was intrigued by this @Peace, and I really wanted to know what they were all about. I heard that they are an extra place of recovery. I became very interested, however I continued at the hospital for about a year after that.

When was the first time you experienced @Peace Care Centre?

I spoke to my neighbour one day, and I mentioned to her that I was looking for a new challenge, and at this stage I was doing one day a week at the hospital where I was currently working. She then mentioned @Peace and I told her that I had never been there before but that I had heard about it, so she brought me here one afternoon.

That afternoon I honestly felt as if God was talking to me through @Peace. When I arrived that Friday afternoon, I really felt something special about the place, it left me with a real feeling of satisfaction. I then prayed about it, and left it in the Lord’s hands.

When did you start working @Peace Care Centre?

One day I was at a mall, and I recall it being Mandela Day. I then saw that @Peace Care Centre were outside Clicks selling muffins to raise funds. I felt it was a real sign and a calling for me to be in the same mall as them that day and to see them there. It was a sign that I did not want to ignore. I then approached the table, and asked if I could possibly come and volunteer and pray for the patients. Straight away they gave me a contact number, I made contact and they were really open and keen for me to come and volunteer.

What is your role as a volunteer?

  • Spiritual upliftment for patients
  • One-on-one contact with the patients which involves listening to them and reading scriptures from the Bible to them

How have your experiences been at @Peace Care Centre?

I’ve witnessed many miracles at this amazing organisation through God’s grace. It has been a truly humbling and enriching experience for me and I enjoy my time spent here.

Find out more about @Peace Care Centre here.

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