Bolton Hospice launches education and networking Facebook group

Categories: Education.

Bolton Hospice have launched a Facebook group designed for healthcare professionals to access advice, resources and networking opportunities in the palliative and end of life care field.

The group has been created for people working across different settings including hospices, care and nursing homes, hospitals, and GP surgeries.

It will offer support and guidance to people working in the palliative and end of life care sector, providing news and updates, promoting discussions between healthcare professionals, encourage networking opportunities and sharing of good practice, training and CPD opportunities.

Vicki Guest, Senior University and Hospice Lecturer Practitioner, was involved in the formation of the network. She explains:

“The aspiration for this group is to promote more collaborative working with healthcare professionals from across the palliative care field in the UK. We all have differing experiences and skills depending on our career backgrounds and Facebook is so widely used by people both for personal and professional reasons it seemed the perfect platform to collaborate with other healthcare professionals.

“We hope the group will continue to grow so healthcare professionals across the UK are able to access a wealth of resources, ideas and best practice as well as use it as a base for professional networking, posting healthcare vacancies and advertising professional development opportunities.”

To join the group visit Palliative & End of Life Care Education Network and request to join.

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