#CPCDialog tweetchat on end of life conversations with children and young people

Categories: In The Media.

End of life conversations are often a difficult topic that most people, including parents and healthcare workers, shy away from.

However, many children and young people living with life-threatening conditions want to have these conversations. These children want a safe place to talk about the end of their life, they want their questions answered and want to know the when, how and why.

The International Children’s Palliative Care Network is hosting a tweetchat on ‘End of life conversations with children and young people’ on Thursday 8 September at 3pm GMT (which is 4pm local time for people in the UK).

The guest for this tweetchat will be Lucy Watts MBE. Lucy is ICPCN’s global youth ambassador, as well as an ambassador for Together for Short Lives. She is an outspoken advocate for the rights of young people living with life-limiting conditions to access the services that are necessary for their needs and age group.

Lucy was also involved in the development of a resource, published by the National Council for Palliative Care and Together for Short Lives, which aimed to help families and professionals approach conversations with young adults about the end of life.

Join in this hour-long tweetchat on Thursday by using the hashtag #CPCdiaolg.

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