Exploring the impact of the pandemic on bereavement services

Categories: Featured and Research.

Do you work in bereavement support in the voluntary/community sector?  Do you want your voice to be heard? Please help with a national survey to document the impact of the pandemic and influence policy and advocacy.

Background and purpose of this study.

We are conducting this national survey to:  Document the impact of the pandemic on bereavement services in the UK:  Highlight innovation and challenges in bereavement support:  Directly inform policy and advocacy for the bereavement sector

The survey is about:

  • The services you provide and how these have been affected by the pandemic

  • How the pandemic has affected the demand and need for your services

  • How the pandemic has affected staff

  • The challenges you face as an organisation

  • Anything else you would like to share

To see a PDF of the survey questions before you start, please click here.

For more information and to complete the survey visit: http://www.covidbereavement.com

This survey is for managers/coordinators/bereavement care leads of voluntary/community sector (VCS)* bereavement services in the UK. One person per organisation or branch (e.g. of Cruse) should complete it, but please ask others in the organisation if you don’t have the information requested.

The survey closes on 14 May 2021.

We appreciate that this is a busy time for all those working in bereavement support and are really grateful for your help.

This survey is being carried out by Cardiff University and the University of Bristol, with funding from UK Research & Innovation via the Economic and Social Research Council.

*By voluntary and community sector we mean non-profit, non-governmental organisations (e.g. charities, social enterprises, community groups). This does not include services provided solely by the NHS or commercial organisations, but does include palliative care or other bereavement services part-funded by the NHS. Please do not complete if your service is based within the NHS and receives no charitable funding. Eligible bereavement services could be stand-alone or embedded within a larger organisation.

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