Expressions of interest – National Clinical Champion – Palliative and End of Life Care for Children and Young People

Categories: Care and Leadership.

The NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I) Palliative and End of Life Care (PEoLC) team are advertising a vacancy for a new National Clinical Champion for PEoLC for Children and Young People.

They are seeking an expression of interest for the appointment of a National Children and Young People’s Champion to lead on supporting and advising the national development of palliative and end of life services for children and young people (CYP). The post-holder will sit as a member of the NHS England and NHS Improvement team to oversee this programme of work.

Funding is available for a 12-month full time post (1 WTE) at AFC band 8b. The post will be hosted and funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement using a simple agreement (SLA, or secondment with MoU) and will report to the national programme team at NHS England and NHS Improvement.

“We are currently reviewing our Delivery Plan with the Programme board and will be working closely with the Palliative and End of Life Care Strategic Clinical Networks and other partners such as the Ambitions Partnership, to further this work supporting Integrated Care Systems to help realise the wider adoption of quality, improved access and sustainable palliative and end of life care for CYP.

This post-holder will be responsible for ensuring the programme is inclusive of the needs for people of all ages, specifically for children and young people. They will continue to foster the current relationships we have with key partners, advise and support the national programme team, support the regional leads as they examine opportunities for improving services and lead on projects as required.

The NHS Long Term Plan has reinforced the importance of palliative and end of life care provision for CYP, stating that it is an important priority for the NHS. The national programme delivery plan is an all-age approach and the national children and young people’s champion will ensure we adhere to that commitment.

The post-holder will be required to attend weekly operational meetings alongside a range of meetings as CYP lead and advocate. Meetings are currently held on Teams but there may be a requirement for some travel from autumn onwards. Interactions with the NHS England and NHS Improvement team will be facilitated in a flexible way using available technology, as well as face to face interactions where appropriate.

Clinicians / CCG commissioners with experience in delivering or designing services for CYP, and who are interested in expressing interest in this role, should discuss the opportunity with their employer in the first instance. Any interested parties wishing to discuss the post on an informal basis should contact Phil Brough, Senior Programme Manager,

Please submit an expression of interest, marking your email as ‘CYP LEAD EXPRESSION OF INTEREST’, to by close of business on Friday 4th June, indicating senior support locally. Please outline your key experience, skills and reason for interest in the post.”

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