Facilitator available to run death, dying & bereavement workshops in Scotland

Categories: Community Engagement.

Who are these workshops designed for?

Experiencing death, dying or bereavement is challenging and emotionally painful, and affects individuals, families and communities.

Throughout Scotland there are individuals who provide support to people in their community, for example church pastoral visitors and volunteer befrienders. Equally many people employed by public sector or voluntary organisations have a role which includes dealing with practical or emotional effects of death, dying and bereavement.

Good life, good death, good grief says that many individuals working in these roles may have the inclination or potential to take on more of a supportive role relating to death, dying and bereavement, but lack the confidence or skills to do so. These workshops are designed to provide participants with the opportunity to explore how they can better support the individuals and families they meet.

The facilitator can provide two workshops:

Workshop 1: How do you talk about death?

This workshop aims to provide participants with the opportunity to explore and discuss end of life issues, planning for the end of life and practical advice on how participants might better support individuals and families in their community.

Workshop 2: Facilitating small group discussions on end of life issues,  bereavement and loss.

This workshop is aimed at anyone who wishes to hold discussions or run events relating to death, dying and bereavement within their own community, but would like some guidance on how to get started.

Applying to hold a workshop

To be eligible to apply to hold either or both of these workshops, organisations must:

  • Be (or become) a member of good life, good death, good grief (membership is free).
  • Be able to provide a workshop venue in Edinburgh or the Lothians.
  • Provide the workshop free of charge to participants.
  • Take full responsibility for organising and holding the workshop.

For full details about running a workshop, visit the good life, good death, good grief website.

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