Free end of life care publications

Categories: Education.

A limited number of copies of ‘Planning for your future care’, e-ELCA starter packs and Volunteer Educator Packs are available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Planning for your future care

This guide is for members of the public and explains advance care planning. It outlines the different options available to people when planning for their end of life care.

e-ELCA getting started and support pack

This pack is designed to help health and social care staff use the e-learning programme e-ELCA. It includes information on how to register and access the e-learning, as well as step-by-step quick guides, frequently asked questions and case studies.

Volunteer Educator Packs

This pack provides materials to run an education programme in Advance Care Planning for volunteers. It aims to help volunteers understand what advance care planning is and how to do it and to assist others with advance care planning.

To order any of these publications, please email Jacquie at The Practical Printer by 17 July 2013.

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