“Keeping pace with this pay rise for their staff will likely cost the UK hospice sector around £66 million. But hospices are already in a precarious financial situation. The sector’s finances are the worst they have been for 20 years. Services are starting to close or be cut back.
“A survey of our members shows that it is payroll increases over the past two years that has created this crisis for charitable hospices. As vital partners to the NHS, hospices recruit from the same pool of staff, meaning they need to keep pace with NHS pay to attract and retain their skilled workforce.
“Given the existing financial strain the sector is under, it will not be feasible for hospices to find another £66 million through community fundraising, so it will have to be done by cutting costs further.
“Today’s news will therefore only compound the hospice funding crisis. We urgently call on the government to consider the critical role hospices play in our healthcare system and the support they provide to the NHS.
“We urge Ministers to support the country’s hospices to meet increased pay costs for their staff. Support now will ensure they can continue to offer compassionate, high-quality care, and prevent further pressure building on the NHS.
“We look forward to working with the government as they prepare for the spending review – and demonstrating how much value hospices can bring to the health and social care system.”
Write to your MP today to tell them about the UK hospice funding crisis
As the new government gets to work, hospices are in crisis. Costs are rising, funding has stalled, demand for care is growing. Now services are being cut.
Ths is happening all over the world where Governments are offering specialist PC Nurss much higher salaries than Hospices can affordl, EMver since Covid are receiving Much lower Donations towardS salries.
IN Africa, Nurses are having to make hard choices whether they leave their children sent home from school for lack of fees or move to the higher paid posts in their country, which comes first, stay with thier Hospice or take a post in Govermnet services where they will have enoughm money to pay school fees for thie children but where ureauratic systems my movethem away from thier speiality and thierHospice ethos.