Tuesday 19 April 2016
St John’s Hotel, Solihull
Registration at 9.15am for a 10am start, through to 4.15pm£140 excluding VAT (£168 total)
This conference is only open to staff working in hospices which are members of Hospice UK
Hospice UK with the support of our Retail Steering Group will be holding our one-day retail conference in April 2016. The conference is aimed at member hospices retail staff – Hospice Retail Directors/Managers, Area Managers and Shop Managers.
The aim of the conference is to develop knowledge and good practice among hospice retailers; provide an opportunity for attendees to network and learn from colleagues’ experiences as well as hear from expert speakers from the industry.
The theme this year is ‘Hospice Retail – Beyond Traditional’ reflecting the changing environment hospice shops are trading in. There will be sessions on; youth volunteering, pop up shops, using social media to increase footfall and silent selling, amongst others.
There will also be a range of exhibitors who provide services to the retail sector, some of whom will be exhibiting for the first time.
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