Hospices host end of life community development conference in the Midlands

Categories: Community Engagement.

“Creating space to connect and care” is being organised by St Giles, Birmingham St Mary’s, John Taylor and St Richard’s hospices. Also in partnership is BrumYODO, a group that includes artists, hospices and health professionals who hold events to encourage open conversations about death and dying and frequently collaborate with Dying Matters.

Claire Henry MBE, Hospice UK’s Director of Improvement & Transformation, is chairing the conference.  

The programme has been designed for communities and those working in community development in End of Life Care. The themes for the day are:

  • What does the future for end of life care look like?
  • How can we co-create communities which are prepared to help?
  • How do we learn from arts approaches to creation and connection?

Keynote speakers are Cormac Russell, Managing Director of Nurture Development and a TedX speaker, and Julian Abel, Consultant in Palliative Care at Cornwall Hospice Care, and Chair of Public Health Palliative Care UK.

There will also be talks by members of the hospices, the University of Birmingham, and the National Memorial Arboretum among others.  

A programme of workshops will include how to run a Death Cafe, setting up local bereavement groups, and using creativity to begin difficult conversations. 

The conference takes place on October 10 at St Giles Hospice in Lichfield. Closing date for booking is September 26. 

For more information and to book email Donna Godding

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