Let’s Talk About Sexuality: Overcoming the Barriers

Categories: Community Engagement.

This study day will be of interest to nurses, doctors, social workers, therapists and other palliative care practitioners who wish to develop confidence and skills in having conversations with patients and their partners about relationship issues, sexuality and intimacy.

Living with a life-limiting illness impacts upon not only on the person who is dying, but also their relationship with their partner. Bridget Taylor’s qualitative research has shown that the way individuals connect as a couple is challenged by a variety of factors that include bodily changes, changes in role, lack of privacy and the prospect of separation through death. Some individuals are able to find alternative ways of connecting with their partner, while others experience various degrees of disconnection from each other.

Relationship issues may be avoided by practitioners for a variety of reasons, including fear of offending, not wishing to intrude and not knowing what to say. This can leave individuals and couples feeling unsupported as they cope with the changes they experience in their relationship.

This interactive day provides participants with opportunities to explore the concerns, difficulties and barriers in talking with people about their intimate relationship. It will enable participants to explore ways of initiating and responding to conversations about coupled relationships. Both one-to-one and coupled discussions will be considered.

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