Lewis-Manning Hospice Care supports PhD Studentship at Bournemouth University

Categories: Education.

Lewis-Manning Hospice Care is supporting a fully funded PhD Studentship at Bournemouth University.

The 3-year full time PhD Studentship is specifically for a qualitative study on end-of-life care for people with liver disease. The successful applicant will undertake qualitative research with supervision and receive support from the experienced researchers and clinicians from Bournemouth University and Lewis-Manning Hospice Care.

The opportunity is open to applicants until 1st May, with interviews taking place on 23rd May.

Lewis-Manning Hospice Care CEO Clare Gallie said, “We are delighted to be able to offer this incredible opportunity, it’s with huge thanks to three very generous supporters of the hospice; Professor Howard Thomas, who is a key supporter of the charity and Emeritus Professor of Hepatology at Imperial College London and a former Chair, NICE Clinical Guideline Development Group on treatment of chronic hepatitis Band NICE and also hospice Patrons Sir Simon and Lady Jill Campbell.

“This proposed studentship marks the beginning of a research partnership between Lewis-Manning Hospice Care and the Department of Nursing Science at Bournemouth University.

This research will sit within, and will contribute to, the Nursing for Long-term Health Research Centre’s Palliative and End-of-Life Care research programme.

The student undertaking this proposed research will contribute to further strengthening the critical mass of researchers and doctoral students within this research programme and will also contribute to the developing research culture in the Nursing for Long-term Health Research Centre, in the Department of Nursing Science and in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.

The successful applicant will also contribute to Lewis-Manning Hospice Care’s vision to work towards becoming one of the leading centres for research, education and innovation in the South-West and in the wider hospice community.”

“This is a fully funded PhD studentship which includes a stipend of £17,921 each year to support living costs.

Professor Howard Thomas said, “I am delighted to be supporting Lewis-Manning Hospice Care in the launch of their first -ever PhD scholarship programme. The successful candidate will be studying terminal liver disease and end of life care.  So many cancers go to the liver and it’s very difficult to manage, and the more research and incite that is done to help these patients will enable more people to get the help they need and deserve. I look forward to meeting the successful candidate in due course.”

To apply for the PhD Studentship visit the BU website https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/study/courses/phd-studentship-end-life-care-people-liver-disease-qualitative-study

Closing date for applications is 1st May.



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