Macmillan palliative rehabilitation project manager

Categories: Care.

22.5 hours per week, 1 year fixed term contract
We are keen to recruit an experienced AHP or nurse for this post. 

This is an exciting opportunity to be part of the Luton community Macmillan team and keech hospice team. The post is a one year fixed term project manager opportunity. 

The key objective of this role is

  • To scope existing services available in Luton and south beds for patients with early palliative diagnosis and working with partners identify and develop a range of services that support patients and their carers to live confidently with their illness. 

This is an opportunity to be part of an exciting time for palliative and end of life care in Luton, and to help develop future services.

We are looking for a healthcare professional with significant project management experience and a wider knowledge of the palliative long term conditions, and survivorship agenda. 

For more information please contact Elaine Tolliday, head of care at Keech Hospice, or Clare Hearnshaw, Macmillan lead nurse for cancer and palliative care,

Closing date 1st July 2013
Interviews 19th July 2013

For an application pack and job description please see keech hospice website

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