NCPC launches two practical guides for staff and carers in acute hospitals

Categories: Care.

The two guides, created in collaboration with NHS Improving Quality, were launched at NCPC’s recent conference, ‘A good death in hospital: compassionate care for all’, where delegates from across the acute sector were given a first look.

‘Caring for carers’ offers advice on how to involve and support the families and friends of patients who are approaching the end of their lives in hospital.

The introduction to the small, easy-to-read guide states: “The death of a family member or friend is a momentous event, and carers, as well as patients, need to be treated with compassion at this critical time.

“Carers have much to give the dying patient, and much to offer to the professional team. When they are fully included and offered the chance to stay involved, the care provided by acute hospitals to people who are dying can be greatly enhanced, and the experiences of the person who is dying, their family and friends and the hospital staff can all be improved.”

The booklet is aimed at any member of staff working in a hospital to enhance the end of life care they give, by more compassionately supporting and involving carers.

The second booklet, ‘Caring to the end’, offers help and support for carers when a partner, relative or friend goes into hospital, and may be approaching the end of their life.

NCPC said: “This guide will help anyone supporting an adult patient – a relative, partner, friend or neighbour – who has been admitted to hospital and who may not have long to live. They may have been looking after the patient for a long time, but also may have become a carer overnight when their family member or friend is suddenly admitted to hospital.

“This short, user-friendly guide will help carers to access support and understand how they may be able to be involved in decision making and care, if they would like to.”

Both booklets are available to buy for £2.50 each (or £1.25 each if you are an NCPC subscriber). They are also available to download from the NCPC online library (username and password required).

NCPC subscribers will receive a copy of each booklet in early March.

For more information about this, and other NCPC news and publications, visit the website.

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