Nurses from St Clare Hospice set to Walk in Memory of families they have cared for

Categories: Care and Fundraising.
Nurses from West Essex and East Herts charity, St Clare Hospice, have teamed up to walk in memory of the patients they have each cared for in the charity’s flagship sponsored 5km walk, Walking in Memory.

Cate Simmons, a community Clinical Nurse Specialist at the local charity will be walking with colleague Tina Croft. Cate said,
“We all have families that we remember fondly, and signing up for Walking in Memory is a lovely way to pay tribute to them. I’m looking forward to walking with my fellow nurses, enjoying the countryside and reflecting on the families we have known.”

Last year, the St Clare Clinical Nurse Specialists cared for 892 patients in the local community visiting them in their homes and making over 4,000 telephone calls, giving advice and support.

Event organiser, Clare Morris, added: “We are hoping that dozens of families join us here at the Hospice on 16th October and raise much-needed funds so we can continue our specialist care for local people living with a terminal illness.

The in-memory sponsored walk is now in its fourth year and we are excited to be introducing a new scenic route for 2022. To make it extra special, each walker will receive a keepsake heart to take home, a special reminder of the love they had for the person they are remembering, and the care that St Clare nurses gave to them.”

Clare continued: “We’ll be inviting walkers to write the name of their loved ones on the ‘I am walking in memory of…’ tribute sign which will be pinned to their t-shirts.

Just saying their name, and writing it down, really helps us to connect and remember those we love who have died. Often when someone has died, as time goes on, people stop saying their name. Having an event like this, where we gather, and celebrate the people who we miss, can really help us to manage our grief.”

“Everyone taking part is invited to join us for a BBQ back at the Hospice after the walk, where there will be burgers, sausages and vegan options, included as part of the ticket price.”

You can sign up for Walking in Memory at

The event is taking place at St Clare Hospice, Hastingwood Road, Hastingwood, CM17 9JX on Sunday 16October from 1030hrs – 1400hrs.

For more information on taking part in Walking in Memory, please contact the fundraising team on 01279 773750 or email

You can sponsor Cate and Tina on their Just Giving fundraising page at:


St Clare Hospice is a charity providing specialist palliative care for people living with terminal or life-limiting illnesses across West Essex and East Herts border.

St Clare, designated a University of Cambridge teaching hospice in 2018, has continually developed its clinical practices with an Inpatient Unit, extensive community palliative care team, a Wellbeing hub and an award winning bereavement service, which sits within the Patient and Family Support Team.

In 2004, St Clare committed to working with its partners by expanding clinical education provision with a view to improving professional knowledge and confidence in delivering palliative care in a variety of settings.

St Clare care for patients and their families, providing physical, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual support, and ensuring they have timely access to skilled, compassionate and sensitive care in a place of their choice.

Our services are free of charge to those who need our care, but cost around £5 million a year to run. With limited NHS funding we need to fundraise the majority of this each year through donations and other voluntary sources. /stclarehospice @hospicestclare page2image55578688@stclarehospice

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