Professor Bee Wee honoured for work in person-centered care

Categories: Care and People & Places.

Professor Bee Wee, National Clinical Director for End of Life Care for NHS England, has been awarded the Presidential Medal at the fourth Annual Conference of the European Society for Person Centred Healthcare.

The conference brought together speakers from all over the world. The awards ceremony, which took place at the end of the first day, honoured outstanding contributions to the field of person-centered healthcare policy, practice, teaching and research.

Professor Wee’s medal recognises her dedicated work to ensure end of life care is focused around ‘the person’ and those important to them.  ​

Originally from Malaysia, Professor Wee qualified from Trinity College Dublin in 1988, trained in general practice in Dublin, then moved into palliative medicine in Ireland, Hong Kong and the UK. Today she is consultant in palliative medicine at Sobell House in Oxford and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Additionally she is Associate Professor at the University of Oxford, where she is also Associate Director of Clinical Studies. She is also Head of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Palliative Care in Oxford.

As National Clinical Director, she led the Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People and is co-chair of the National Partnership for Palliative and End of Life Care which was responsible for publishing the Ambitions for palliative and end of life care: a national framework for local action in 2015.

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