The Mental Capacity Act & Advance Care Planning Training

Categories: Community Engagement.

The Mental Capacity Act  

The first half of the workshop will give you a clear and user friendly guide to applying the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) in practice. The session will focus on the guiding principles of the Act using real practice examples. You will also get the opportunity to use case study examples in guided exercises to support learning and application to practice. 

This half of the workshop will: 

  • Provide and opportunity for participants to review and reflect on their current knowledge and practice
  • Support delegates to develop their practice in relation to the Mental Capacity Act
  • Use case studies to explore the practical application of the Act
  • Provide a safe and effective learning environment
  • Be facilitated by skilled and knowledgeable trainer

Advance Care Planning 

The second half of the workshop will explore the challenges of advance care planning conversations and guide staff towards knowledge and skills which help open, and continue, conversations with people as they approach the end of their lives. 

This half of the workshop will: 

  • Provide and opportunity for participants to review and reflect on current skills and practice
  • Identify specific communication skills and tools to support advance care planning conversations
  • Evaluate the benefits of advance care planning for individuals and those close to them
  • Provide a safe and effective learning environment
  • Be facilitated by skilled and knowledgeable trainers

Who should attend?

This workshop is aimed at staff who are in a role which includes supporting people with long term and life limiting conditions in any setting including General Practitioners and District Nurses; Health or social care staff working with people with long term conditions including dementia; Any staff who wish to reflect on, develop and/or, add to existing skills and knowledge in this area of care; Commissioners, including leaders of CCG’s and Health & Well Being Boards, NHS Trusts, social care and primary care, and voluntary and independent sectors; People managing services associated with long-term conditions or end of life care. 

The facilitators:

Elaine Bramhall is the Managing Director of Effective Communication Matters, comes from a health professional background with first-hand experience of the many challenges of providing high standards of care. 

Julie Foster was appointed by the Department of Health as the Mental Capacity Act Implementation Lead for the North West following a number of years working as a Learning Disability Nurse. 

Sheona Ramsbottom is the Managing Director of Lingard Links Ltd, a communication skills training company,  comes from a background in Psychology, and has worked clinically with patients and their families for over 10 years. She now teaches communication skills, at all levels. 


Subscriber rate: £199 please call 020 7697 1520 if you need your online login 

Non-subscriber rate: £299

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