Volunteers in Scotland wanted for filming opportunity

Categories: Community Engagement.

This November, Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief are launching a new initiative: ‘To Absent Friends: A Festival of Storytelling and Remembrance.’

The Scotland-wide festival will be an opportunity to remember ordinary people who have died but who live on in the memories and stories of the living.

The awareness-raising organisation said on their website: “We are currently making a website and a short promotional film to advertise ‘To Absent Friends’ and are seeking people to take part by sharing stories, memories and anecdotes on camera or in written form. Stories can be poignant or trivial, ordinary or exceptional, moving or humorous.”

last year at the annual Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care conference
Director Mark Hazelwood introduced the idea. He said: “To Absent Friends will be a new festival
of storytelling and will support those aims of Good Life, Good Grief, Good
Death about acknowledging our own mortality and each other’s losses, about
reducing isolation and increasing opportunities for support.”

“Not quite a Mexican day of the dead,” he added, “more a Scottish weekend of saying the unsaid.”

If you are interested, or would just like more information about what would be involved, please get in touch with Rebecca at Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief by Thursday 27th March: 0131 229 0538 or rebecca@palliativecarescotland.org.uk

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