Join Caring Connections and others across the USA to help improve the way people experience the final years and months of life. Caring Connections has free community outreach resources to help your organization:
- Inform people about advance care planning, living with an illness, caregiving, hospice and grief support
- Reach new audiences with your outreach, marketing or educational initiatives
- Develop new or enhance community partnerships
One of the easiest things you can do is add your voice to a national campaign to improve end-of-life care – the “It’s About How You LIVE” Campaign.
Other community engagement and outreach materials and resources available on the Caring Connections’ website include:
- Speak4me Campaign
- National Hospice and Palliative Care Month 2012
- Coalition Building Resources
- Outreach Strategies and Tools
- Advance Care Planning
- Caregiver Outreach
- Diversity Outreach
- Faith Outreach
- Hospice Outreach
- Media Outreach
- National Day of Listening
- Pediatric Outreach
- Veteran Outreach
- Disabilities Outreach
- It’s About How You LIVE-At Work Outreach Guide (for hospices)
- Other Outreach Resources
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