Deva Nation: Compassionate communities for end of life care

Categories: Community Engagement.

Deva(Light) + Nation(Community)

The vision of Deva Nation is that community members come together and develop a means of offering social and practical support for those in need of care at the end of life; a community-wide response tailored specifically to our community for the benefit of its members.

In Phase II of the project, Deva Nation will continue the work of building and strengthening community connections; provide end of life education through presentations, workshops and talking cafes; map all existing community resources for the compilation of a Greater Mankato Service Directory; train a network of volunteer Community Connectors to offer support to those in need and guide them to appropriate sources of help identified in the service directory; and form groups requested by members of the community to meet newly identified needs.

Learn more about Deva Nation.

The campaign has launched an e-newsletter. Visit the website homepage to sign up for this new resource.

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