Hospice serving the homeless in Salt Lake City

Categories: In The Media.

The article on People.com, “Terminally Ill Homeless People in Salt Lake City Face Death with Dignity at Unique Hospice: ‘They Deserve Peace of Mind'” has been gaining attention for its look at a community being served who are in need of compassion and care at life’s end.

As journalist Cathy Free writes:

Funded primarily through private donations, The INN Between opened one year ago in a renovated school “so that terminally ill homeless people would have a place to die in dignity, instead of on the streets,” Kim Correa, executive director of the hospice, tells PEOPLE. “Last year, we had 47 people die on the streets in Salt Lake City. That’s 47 too many.”

Hospice patients receiving care openly share their experience. Says patient Rick Silva: “I was scared, though,” he tells PEOPLE, “and I wondered what I was going to do. So when I ended up at this place, it was a blessing – a clean bed, medical care and a place to sort out my life. I am extremely grateful.”

Read the full article on People.com.

More about The Inn Between

The INN Between opened on August 17, 2015, bridging a longstanding gap in end-of-life services for homeless individuals along the Wasatch Front.  Our mission is to offer a safe place where Utah’s homeless men and women can experience the end of life journey in comfort and with dignity, surrounded by people who care. The INN Between is a congregate care facility that can house up to 16 residents. We provide the “surrogate home” where our residents can receive professional home health care and hospice care, as they would if they were not homeless. Medical care is provided by licensed home health and hospice agencies.

The INN Between provides meals, clean clothes and bedding, music therapy, pet therapy, activities, laundry, supportive services and a caring environment. After one of our residents passes away, we will post an obituary on our website, hold a community memorial service in our garden and place a name plaque on a memorial wall in our garden.

Prospective residents must be referred by a health care professional and have a diagnosis of terminal illness or a serious medical condition that would typically quailfy for home health care.


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