Laura Adams to be opening keynote for 2020 Virtual Conference

Categories: Education.

Laura Adams, Special Advisor, National Academy of Medicine, will kick off the 2020 Virtual Conference (July 22 & 23) with an important and timely discussion on how providers can utilize quality improvement to increase their care as well as their margins. In her keynote, The Future of QI: Powering Excellence and Deepening Human Connection, Laura will examine the evolution of the state-of the-art QI program as it takes its rightful place as a key business strategy and a path to restoring humanity and meaning in healthcare.

Laura is a nationally known digital health, innovation, and person-focused healthcare expert, and has been named one of the Most Powerful Women in Health IT. Noted for building the award-winning statewide information exchange in Rhode Island, Laura pioneers’ solutions in health, innovation, and the deepening of human connection.

NHPCO, AAHPM and HPNA are again partnering to bring the provider community education around the shared goal of providing high-quality, person-centered care. And how important it is to support greater education around quality care and quality measurement.

The 2020 Virtual Conference focuses on the clinical and programmatic aspects of quality and will help hospice and palliative professionals explore how they connect quality with purpose. VC20 will feature:

• All live streaming sessions
• Four keynotes
• Opportunities for interaction and networking
• CE/CME credit
• Unlimited on-demand access for 3 months after the live event

VC20 Registration is Open!

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