Measures of Excellence Can Foster a Data-Driven Organization

Categories: Care and Education.

Measures of Excellence Provides Critical Benchmarking for Your Success

The Measures of Excellence (MOE) is a quarterly data collection tool and dashboard that are important components of NHPCO’s Quality Connections program – and for organizations that are NHPCO provider members, this valuable tool is included in membership. MOE tracks operational and clinical data to inform high quality care. The quarterly MOE Dashboard allows organizations to compare themselves to other organizations for benchmarking. Participants will be able to identify performance improvement opportunities and track their performance improvement efforts through the quarterly dashboard.

Measurement Matters
MOE represents a comprehensive compilation of often hard to find and timely data points on hospice clinical and operations data. This is instrumental in providing industry insights and useful benchmarking data to hospice providers that aids in developing a quality driven organizational culture, refining strategic goals, setting operational targets and staffing levels, and improving quality of care delivery.

Quarter 1 Dashboard is Available
For hospice organizations that have participated in the Quarter 1 MOE data collection, live dashboards are now available via your MOE participant portal.

NHPCO and Quality Connections Can Help
Whether your hospice organization has an established QAPI program or there is room to grow your continuous quality improvement efforts, Quality Connections has that tools you need. By combining key resources with streamlined processes and dashboards, NHPCO is making the right thing to do the easy thing to do.

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