Online learning opportunities touch on areas of interest

Categories: Care.

From courses specific to hospice and palliative care professionals, to opportunities to explore LGBT aging issues, to courses focused on medicinal marijuana – the Internet boasts a wide range of options. ehospiceUSA would like to highlight some specific sites of interest.

LGBT Aging
The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging released a new learning tool entitled, “Building Respect for LGBT Older Adults.”  This online resource made up of several modules is intended for long term care and other aging service providers as an introduction to LGBT aging.

This tool was developed by the Administration for Community Living and Administration on Aging, with support from many groups including but not limited to SAGE’s National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, FORGE Transgender Aging Network, National Center for Transgender Equality, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the National Senior Citizens Law Center, Rose Villa, and the Methodist Home of D.C.

Medical Cannabis
The Medical Cannabis Institute, a website featuring continuing medical education on medical cannabis topics was launched on September 1, 2014 by Scitent, Inc., a leading provider of eLearning business solutions for healthcare organizations, nonprofits, and associations. The website helps educate a growing global community of healthcare professionals, caregivers, and patients who want and need to learn about the science behind and clinical application of medical cannabis.  

As of September 1, 2014, 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana and three states have pending legislation.  As the legalization of medical cannabis advances across the United States, The Medical Cannabis Institute brings together content from experts in the field to close the education gap. See the Institute’s online course catalog.

Hospice and Palliative Care Education Online
NHPCO’s End-of-Life Online (E-OL) is your access to on-demand learning. Our state of the art E-OL Courses and webcasts are specifically designed with cutting –edge technology to provide new insights, innovation, strategy and information to ensure the delivery of quality hospice and palliative care. E-OL also gives you access to Plenary Webcasts from the latest NHPCO conferences. It brings nationally acclaimed speakers directly to your organization for a fraction of the cost. Check back often for new courses added and redesigned every month.

View the wide range of categories on the E-OL landing page.

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