Remember to register your event for World Hospice and Palliative Care Day

Categories: Community Engagement.

The theme of the Day is ‘Hidden Lives / Hidden Patients’, and aims to highlight the needs of those who often fall through the cracks of service provision. ‘Hidden Patients’ include children, people living with HIV and AIDS, those with psychological illnesses, and many other marginalised groups.

Register your event, no matter how big or small, or tell your story, on the World Day website, to make sure that you are part of the World Day community.

Sharon Baxter, WHPCA Advocacy Chair, said: “World Hospice and Palliative Care Day is a unified day of action to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care around the world. This year it is about building and amplifying a global voice to make sure that the needs of ‘Hidden Patients’ with ‘Hidden Lives’ are recognised. 

“By registering your event, you are adding your voice to those of others around the world and signalling your support for hospice and palliative care and the Hidden Patients who need our care the most.”

Visit the World Day website to share your story or register your event and become part of the global voice for hospice and palliative care. 

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