(From the WBUR website, Cognoscenti, 12/10/13) – In writing about her mother’s experience with hospice care, Ms. Fay poignantly describes the way a family caregiver can benefit from the support and guidance that hospice provides.
She writes, “I never felt more connected to my mom then the moment after I helped her adjust her pillows and gave her a morphine dose. ‘When did you get so brave?’ she asked me. I told her that I had learned it from her. While that was true, it was also true that the hospice team had given me the courage and the information to act as her final caretaker — something I consider a life-changing gift to this day.”
This essay reminds hospice and palliative care providers that optimizing the caregiver experience so that it is a positive one amid the stress and grief a family faces is what makes hospice unique.
Read this story on the WBUR Cognoscenti website.
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