How do you use ehospice?

Categories: Community Engagement.

At ehospice, we aim to provide current news in hospice and palliative care, share examples of good practice, provide resources for advocacy campaigns, teaching and practice and offer an outlet through which you can share your own news, opinions and stories.

ehospice offers a single point of access to news, intelligence and good practice from around the world, with the aim of helping to improve patient care globally. It brings together the expertise and experience of the global hospice and palliative care community.

If you find ehospice useful for your work in hospice and palliative care, we would be very grateful if you could share your experiences with us.

Perhaps you have been able to call on ehospice to help explain hospice or palliative care to colleagues or funders. Maybe you have downloaded an article to use as a case study to support your work or to teach students. Possibly just being able to log on to ehospice and connect with people from around the world makes you feel part of a global community, rather than a lone advocate for hospice and palliative care in your country.

If you can relate to any of these statements, or if you use ehospice in different ways, please email the editor of the international edition to share your story. 

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