Uganda: KMCC launches new HIV/AIDS infographics

Categories: Education.

The Uganda HIV/AIDS Knowledge Management and Communications Capacity Building Initiative (KMCC) works through a three stage process – synthesising and sharing knowledge around key thematic areas within HIV, using this knowledge to create innovative communications which aid the uptake of knowledge, and finally by building capacity of all stakeholders in knowledge management and communication.

These infographics are key examples of the strength of the KMCC approach. The infographics are based on knowledge gathered through the KMCC MARPs – fishing community knowledge synthesis. The synthesis is comprised of a comprehensive literature review. The accuracy and relevancy is checked through a Quality Assurance Group (QAG) consisting of leading experts and practitioners. KMCC synthesis topic areas are chosen based on stakeholder feedback to ensure that knowledge gathered covers priority information gaps to help build a stronger nationwide response to HIV/AIDS.

However KMCC recognises that overcoming gaps in knowledge is only the beginning of addressing the need to inform evidence-based responses to HIV prevention. Knowledge must be easily accessible and understood by all stakeholders. These infographics are a step in that direction. By communicating knowledge through easily understood illustrations, we ensure the knowledge is memorable, accessible and engaging – the first step to turn knowledge into action. Though these infographics aim to share knowledge with practitioners, ultimately we believe there is huge potential to use illustrative communication methods in behaviour change mass media campaigns.

About KMCC
The Uganda HIV/AIDS Knowledge Management and Communications Capacity building initiative (KMCC) contributes quality knowledge to the HIV/AIDS sector through comprehensive knowledge syntheses and sharing of this information across all stakeholders. KMCC works with key stakeholders to demonstrate creative communication methods and to encourage a culture of transparency and collaborative working within the sector. KMCC provides best practice guidance and capacity building to partners for a more effective HIV/AIDs prevention response in Uganda.

For more information visit their website

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