10 New Hospice Beds Coming to Leamington Erie St. Clair LHIN Invests in Local Hospice Services

Categories: Care.

The new 10 bed hospice will receive on-going annual funding to ensure they are sustained in the community. Additionally, there is an opportunity for start-up funding in order to provide direction to the new proposed hospice initiative.

While care at home is always the first option, the new hospice beds will provide both palliative care services and palliative pain management in a community-based setting. Residential hospice provides a variety of services designed to provide care and comfort in a peaceful and heart-felt environment and is an excellent companion program to the CCAC Palliative Care Outreach Team; a team which provides in-home support for those who face end-of-life needs.

Hospice services are a type of specialized care that have always met and exceeded client and family needs. The new hospice will build on that success and continue to help improve access, equity, and the quality of life for patients in Leamington.

“We know that hospice offers comfort, dignity, and peace of mind for patients and their loved ones. Hospice services won’t heal the body, but it will help to heal the hearts of those going through a difficult time. This is an investment that helps to provide a better experience for our residents”
– Gary Switzer, Chief Executive Officer, Erie St. Clair LHIN

“End of life care is one of the most delicate and complex areas of health care which is why I’m pleased that Leamington will receive 10 new hospice beds so that residents can receive the right care at the right time in the right place.”
– Teresa Piruzza, MPP, Windsor West

Read more about Erie St. Clair LHIN at www.eriestclairlhin.on.ca

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