Unique opportunity. This is a rare and exceptional opportunity to help shape the course of care for millions of frail elderly Canadians. TVN will fund a select, limited number of innovative research projects that demonstrate superior potential for generating significant and measurable economic, social and health benefits for the Canadian health care system.
Shaping future direction. Winning, accepted proposals will shape the longer-term strategic focus of the TVN Network for the 2017-2022 funding cycle that will be defined in 2016. Preference will be given to proposals that build on previously funded TVN research and that improve the uptake or application of existing evidence to improve models of care.
Target population. More than 1.1 million older Canadians are in frail health: experiencing multiple health challenges, social isolation and struggling to manage their care needs. Their numbers more than doubling in the next 20 years, frail elderly Canadians occupy most hospital intensive care and acute care beds, rely on multiple prescription medicines and require long-term, home-based and residential facility care.
This is TVN. TVN is Canada’s network for frail elderly care solutions. Funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Networks of Centres of Excellence, we partner with health care providers, universities, the private sector and community agencies to support research, study medical technologies, share knowledge and train care professionals to improve frail elderly care practices and outcomes across all settings of care. Recognizing that frail elderly Canadians may be nearing the end of life, TVN is dedicated to their advance care planning and end-of-life care.
Instructional webinar and further information. On June 30, 2015 from 12 noon to 1:00 pm, TVN scientific director Dr. John Muscedere is hosting a one-hour webinar on this transformative research call. We will provide a briefing on the structure of this competition, provide further background information and respond to your questions. To participate, you must register in advance: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4122425701505225730.
Next steps for proponents. Researchers should visit http://www.tvn-nce.ca/research/2015-transformative-grant-program/ to review eligibility requirements and application guidelines. Also, address your questions and comments to Dr. Perry Kim, TVN Research Manager, at research@tvn-nce.ca and 613-549-6666, x 6208.
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