“We are pleased to know that Bill C-14 will be debated in the House, and strongly recommend that the final iteration explicitly names social workers for protection under the Criminal Code of Canada,” stated CASW President, Morel Caissie.
Bill C-14 specifically names medical practitioners, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists for protection under the Criminal Code of Canada, while remaining silent on those other professions that often engage in discussions with clients about issues at end of life, such as social work.
“Social workers have always engaged with clients making some of the most difficult decisions of their lives, and should feel completely empowered in their role of supporting a client’s safety and self-determination,” added Mr. Caissie.
The social work perspective is also integral in the future development of more specific policies on medical assistance in dying at the provincial and territorial level, especially as it pertains to the protection of vulnerable persons, and to supporting the inherent dignity and worth of all people.
CASW’s Discussion Paper outlines the social work perspective as it relates to physician-assisted death, highlights the importance of the creation of a robust and accessible palliative care system in Canada, and stresses the importance of creating appropriate safeguards to protect vulnerable persons.
Click here to access the full text of CASW’s Discussion Paper on Physician-Assisted Death.
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