End-of-life Hospice Care for Cancer Patients

Categories: Research.

It is estimated that every day 500 Canadians are diagnosed with cancer, which proves fatal for 200 people.[i] And the number of cancer deaths is expected to increase in the coming years as the Canadian population ages.[ii] The reports main findings include:

  1. Nearly half (45%) of cancer deaths occur in acute care hospitals.
  2. The number of patients who die in acute care can be significantly reduced as many patients were admitted to acute care to meet palliative care needs.
  3. A large percentage of study participants were admitted to acute care multiple times or visited the emergency room at least once.
  4. Largely, overly aggressive treatments, like chemotherapy, were not administered in acute care settings and most patients were given a palliative care diagnosis.

This report has garnered significant media interest since its release at the end of April. Please find an overview of media pickup below.

To view the original report, please click here.

[i] Canadian Cancer Society’s Steering Committee on Cancer Statistics. Canadian Cancer Statistics 2012.Toronto, ON: Canadian Cancer Society; 2012.

[ii] Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian Cancer Statistics 2012. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/cd-mc/cancer/ccs-scc-2012-eng.php. Updated 2012.

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