Adam’s parents opted to tell their son about the tumor but not to disclose that it was terminal. That decision raises some thorny questions. Should Adam have known the full truth? Would doing so have been beneficial to him in any way? If adults have the right to know that they are terminal, shouldn’t children as well?
Before reaching any conclusions, let’s consider Adam’s parents’ motives. Why did they acknowledge that Adam was ill, but not that he would soon die? Because they wanted their son to be able to enjoy the year he had without the potentially paralyzing anxiety of knowing that his days were numbered. As a result Adam went to school and joined family and friends in many “normal” activities as well as a few “special” ones such as taking a ride in a helicopter.
Adam’s story reminded me of another one I heard when preparing to write Saying Goodbye: A Guide to Coping with a Loved One’s Terminal Illness. In the course of writing that book my co-author Dr. Barbara Okun and I interviewed many people who themselves had gone through this experience, to see what lessons might be learned that could be of help to others. Here is the story that Debbie (a pseudonym) told me:
I lost my daughter, Rose, to leukemia when Rose was just six years old. She was my first child. Losing Rose was the most painful experience of my life. For years afterward I worried that my other children—we had three more– would feel like they lived with a ghost, because she died before they were born. When people would ask me how many children I had I would respond by saying ‘I had four, but only three are living’. I would say this even when my other children were present. Yet I resisted talking to them about Rose or her illness. I think that only mothers who have lost children could possibly understand this kind of loss.
The stories of Rose and Adam moved me deeply, and I must say that if I were in their parents’ place I don’t know if I would have done anything differently. They raise profound—and potentially torturous—issues for parents. First, one has to wonder whether both Adam and Rose knew, on some level, that they were not just very ill, but in fact dying. Debbie, at least, seemed to think so.
Second, we need to think about what would be gained by revealing a prognosis and life expectancy to our child. Were Debbie (and Adam’s parents) being cowardly, or were they being loving? Is it a disservice to children to withhold information, or do parents bear the burden of making such decisions all the time? After all, do any of us know with any certainty how long our children will live? Having heard stories like the above, I for one choose not to cast judgement on parents, leaving it to them to decide what is in the best interest of the child they love.
Terminally Ill Parents
The issue of talking to children about terminal illness takes a different turn when it is not the child, but the parent who is terminally ill. When Elizabeth Edwards died, at age 61, following a long battle with cancer, she left behind three young children. Her situation raises a different, but also important and challenging issue: when and how do we talk to children about terminal illness in a loved one?
Compared to several decades ago, children today are likely to be exposed to the reality of a terminal diagnosis in a parent, other relative, or friend from the time they enter school. As a consequence more and more children will experience the prolonged process that Edwards’ children experienced as medical advances allow people diagnosed with a terminal or potentially terminal illness to live months and even years beyond what was once the norm.
Children are aware of “death” whether or not they have experienced it in their family. They know about it from fairy tales, from television shows (including nature shows), as a result of the death of a pet, etc. And while their parents may not realize it, children are aware of many things, including terminal illness and death, through their classrooms. My own daughter, for example, surprised me one day—when she was ten–with this knowledge. When I sat her down and told her that an older cousin had been diagnosed with leukemia, she replied, “I know about Leukemia. A girl in my class has it.”
The ways in which children respond to terminal illness and death is shaped in large part by their social environment. Most prominent in this regard are parents, teachers, and family. Children are very sensitive to the emotional moods and nonverbal communications of adults around them, and they sense when a parent is upset even if the parent thinks that the child is unaware of what may be happening. So it makes sense to us to open communication rather than avoiding it.
Obviously the level and type of discussion depends in part upon a child’s developmental stage. Research shows that it is helpful for families to talk about death and dying as a normal part of the life process when children are young in order to help them clarify their concepts of the life/death process. This may be even more important today, when children can expect have at least one close relative battle a terminal illness, for months or even years.
The most important things to establish this ongoing communication about are as follows:
- That the child’s loved one is indeed very sick and will be undergoing treatment.
- Do not promise a child that heir loved one will not die; rather, say that most people today do live a long life, that if they do get sick there are many more ways to help them, and that you are taking care of yourself and others in the family to help achieve that.
- Explain how treatment will affect the loved one: will there be a loss of hair, a loss of energy, etc.
- Explain how the child’s life will be affected: will routines change, will there be a change in caregivers, etc.
- Finally, bring up these issues on a regular basis, as children may hesitate to ask questions if they sense that doing so will make you uncomfortable.
It is important for children of all ages to be given as much information as they are able to absorb—but not more than they can absorb. Parents will best be able to assess their individual child’s capacity to understand during these conversations if they are attuned to the child’s emotional responses and if they can share their own grieving with the child.
I for one also like to encourage children to express themselves creatively. For example, one eight-year-old son of a colleague whose wife was battling cancer drew pictures of opposing armies—one representing cancer cells, the other representing the medicine that Mommy got every week. Over a period of a year many such drawings accumulated, and my colleague kept them in a folio. After Mommy was declared cancer-free, the three of them sat down and went through the “war” that they had all survived.
To view the original article via Cancer Knowledge Network, please click here.
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