This Thing Called Grief

Categories: Care.

To learn more about supporting people in your community who have lost a loved one, join AHPCA for a full day of training at our Grief and Bereavement Workshop.

Grief is a universal reaction to the loss of a loved one. Our religious and cultural beliefs affect our response and each person’s grief is unique. This workshop will be divided into two half day seminars.

During the morning seminar Diane will provide you with opportunities to develop new skills to help support grieving friends, family, patients and others in your community. It will lead seamlessly into Kathy’s workshop which will illustrate how certain cultures and ethnicities experience mourning rituals.

The afternoon seminar will encompass practical aspects such as basic beliefs and rituals when there is an imminent death and what the various faith and cultural communities require following a death. Did you know that in some cultures a person may wish to leave their bed and lay on the floor as death approaches, or that some faiths require that burials be performed as quickly as possible after death in order to free the soul from the body?

You’ll leave with new skills, insights and cultural sensitivities as well an excellent resource book: ‘A Caregiver’s Guide’

Workshop Facilitators

Diane Yackel is a nurse with a Masters degree in Counseling – B.Sc.N., M.A., F.T. Diane brings a wealth of experience to this workshop. She teaches courses and seminars on the subjects of Death and Dying, Loss and Grief to various academic and lay audiences. She is the Executive Director of the Centre for Suicide Prevention, was a former Director of Nursing, Founding Executive Director of a hospice, and a grief counsellor.

Kathy Cloutier is the author of “Customs and Traditions in Times of Death and Bereavement” and regularly presents fascinating seminars on the subject. Kathy has experienced profound losses in her life and has a passion for helping those who experiencing grief and bereavement. She is the Community Relations Manager for a funeral home and enjoys serving families from all cultures and religions.

2013 Roadshow Locations and Dates

Fort McMurray
Host Group: Wood Buffalo Primary Care Network
Date: September 27, 2013
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Host Group:   Foothills Country Hospice Society
Date:October 04, 2013
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Host Group: Drumheller Community Cancer Centre

Host Group: First United Church- Wetaskiwin

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