“I like to be the change and change the leadership in palliative care.” – Dr Republica Sridhar
“Feeling very good for this initial planning and the course as well, and looking forward to implementing it.” – Dr Chitra Venkateswaran
“I can’t wait for the programme to start.” – KV Ganapathy

Part of the steering group’s in-person meeting at the Believers Church Medical College Hospital (BCMCH).
Here a few of the responses when asked about the recent preparations for the Compassionate Leadership Fellowship in India, scheduled to begin in early 2024. One steering group member, Leejia Mathew, shared that, “This is a great opportunity to become the compassionate leaders that we would want to become; and a great opportunity for all the partners.”
Partners Cairdeas International Palliative Care Trust (Cairdeas IPCT), Believers Church Medical College Hospital (BCMCH), Global Health Academy (University of Edinburgh), Indian Association for Palliative Care (IAPC) and RMD Trust have come together to create this fellowship for health and social care professionals in palliative care based in India. Curriculum for the programme has been designed and tested in other international fellowships by steering group members Drs Mhoira Leng and Chitra Venkateswaran.

Fellowship logistic planning between Dr Chitra Venkateswaran (left) and Dr Leejia Mathew (right).
Improving quality of care for those with chronic and palliative care needs is a priority in achieving Universal Health Coverage in India. Apart from training programs to improve skills related in clinical, teaching and research domains, the outcomes of any health programme also depend on proactive teams across India working collaboratively with the right leadership skills.
There has been remarkable progress in the of clinical skills and education, in care practices, we are focusing on the need to develop interdisciplinary leadership or development of leadership skills in palliative care.
This new project seeks to embed practices of compassionate leadership to those working in palliative care, who are operating at different health system levels in managing and delivery of care for those with chronic and palliative needs in India.

Planning meetings continue within the steering group committee.
The Fellowship has been designed to “inspire, empower, influence and transform future leaders.” We expect the participants who will receive training and mentorship from national and international mentors and faculty to be able to advance their skills contributing to better patient and carer experiences, develop a culture of nurturing for the self, team and others, thus helping in working well with teams, imbibing the values underpinning care and wellbeing.
This one-year fellowship will follow an immersive learning process that will enable participants to develop critical leadership skills that will focus on individual leader development, building a collective capacity and influencing others. The course is structured to accommodate two one- week intensive training modules to be held in Believers Church Medical College Hospital (BCMCH), Thiruvalla, Kerala. The modules will be interactive, with use of a range of instruments to enable self-awareness and teamwork, experiential simulations, online sessions by those who have demonstrated leadership, and mentorship.
Interested in joining the fellowship? Applications duly filled using this Google form will be accepted until December 7th, 2023 along with two letters of reference from a senior colleague or supervisor. Those involved must attend the first week of intensive training in BCMCH, Thiruvalla, Kerala from February 18th to 25th, 2024. There will be follow-up online sessions every month, and another in person training in February 2025.
Do note the following: there are no fees for this maiden cohort, and accommodation will be covered in Thiruvalla; however, candidates will be expected to fund their travel and possible local project costs. Also, we have limited seats up to 20 only for the first batch for Compassionate Leadership Fellowship in India.
For further information, please visit the IAPC website for a detailed course description, official letter, and brochure. You can also email the fellowship administration team at clfellowship.india@gmail.com.
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