The International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) have generously offered one year of free membership of their organisation to any students who are currently attending university – regardless of their career or field.
IAHP Chair Prof Lukas Radbruch commented: “The IAHPC provides today’s undergraduate students – the future professionals – the opportunity to learn and enhance their palliative care skills and knowledge.”
Some of he benefits that students who take up this offer include:
- Free unlimited on-line access and downloads for full text articles from leading palliative care journals, including Palliative Medicine, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, Progress in Palliative Care, Indian Journal of Palliative Care and, many more
- Eligibility to participate in the traveling fellowship program for teaching and traveling scholarship program to continuing your education
- IAHPC monthly e-newsletters with updates on palliative care advances around the world
- Free access to the IAHPC’s website with resources; and many more!
Click on this link to read more about the benefits of membership of IAHPC and to apply.
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