Latest ChiPPS E-Journal focuses on managing children’s pain

Categories: Care.

The 45th issue of the ChiPPS E-Journal offers a collection of articles that explore selected issues in managing pain with children. The articles offer suggestions for and examples of engaging in this important aspect of providing palliative and hospice care to children. The editors hop that the articles will spur increased awareness and discussion on the subject and plan to follow this issue with one on symptom management.

The E-Journal is produced by ChiPPS (the Children’s Project on Palliative/Hospice Services), a programme of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and, in particular, by NHPCO’s E-Journal Work Group, chaired by Christy Torkildson. 

Articles in this issue include:

  • Pediatric Pain Assessment by Sheri G. Steward, MSN, RN-BC, CHPPN which reviews pediatric pain assessment and includes a list of tools and important point to remember during the assessment.
  • Pediatric Pain Management Strategies by Melissa Hunt, PharmD reviewing components to be considered when initiating and administering pain medications in children, adolescents, and young adults. 
  • Patient-Specific Opioid Selection Considerations in Children by Melissa Hunt, PharmD provides a comprehensive review for the selection of the correct opioid to be used for pain management in children of all ages, including non-opioid considerations.
  • Virtual Reality as a Complementary Therapy to Ease Pain and Anxiety in Children by Dr Anne Marsh, MD et al, in which they share experiences using Virtual Reality to assist in pain and anxiety management in children and adolescents.
  • A Role for Palliative Care in the Pain of Childhood Sickle Cell Disease by Toluwalase (Lase) A. Ajayi, MD, & Kyle P. Edmonds, MD highlighting the benefit of palliative care integrated into the care of patients with a chronic, congenial condition such as Sickle Cell Disease.
  • Assessment and Management of Pain and Irritability in Children with Severe Neurologic Impairment (SNI): An Overview in in Children with Severe Neurologic Impairment by Lanna Olson, MD FRCPC, focusing on the challenges in recognising and treating pain in this unique population and explores research currently being done in the field. 
  • Nonpharmacological Pain Management for Children by Kathy Davis, PhD,MSEd, providing information on non-pharmacological management of pain in children as well as a review of pain management and the states of development. 
  • Being With: Recognizing the Experience of Parents in the Face of Their Child’s Pain by Rachel B. Levi, PhD focusing on the parents and the impact of having a child who is ill and in pain and on their health and well-being.
  • Reciprocal Relationships: Giving and Receiving Care with Children in Spirituality by L. Dean Allen MDiv, PhD providing a comprehensive review of spirituality and spirituality in children; reminding us of the impact of Spiritual Pain in children. 

This E-Journal can be downloaded here

Archived issues of this publication are available at

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