Photo credit: Alexandre Mhiri
Today, 6th December 2018, from 9.00 am to 12.00 am (European Time), at the invitation of Mme Julie de Groote, President of the Brussels francophone Parliament, an event will take place, called “les jeudis de l’hémicycle” dedicated entirely to the state of paediatric palliative care in Brussels.
This event has been organised by the Brussels Federation for Palliative and Continuing Care (FBSP), which has Dr Dominique Bouckenaere as their president.
At this event the results of a study, aimed at counting the number of children in Brussels (aged 0-18 years) facing a chronic complex condition between the years 2010 to 2014, will be launched. The study also estimates their access to palliative care teams.
The FBSP requested the Research Institute for Health and Society (IRSS) at Université catholique de Louvain to conduct the study, which was funded by the Fondation contre le Cancer.
The meeting aims to bring together a variety of stakeholders working in Brussels and supporting children with life-limiting conditions and their families, such as parents, paediatric liaison teams, home care and respite care services, and an association of caregivers.
The discussions will take place with the politicians and the needs of the fields will be expressed to them.
The entire meeting will be transmitted live through the facebook page of the Brussels francophone Parliament.
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