Saga of a Cancer Warrior

Categories: Care.

A loving family full of joy and laughter

A child with bubbly personality, mischief,

Young beautiful girl

A wife managing the entire home

Head of the family husband, together enjoying the family life.

Then comes the sudden signal of discomfort, pain, nagging cough, fever, unusual bleeding,

Lumps, and swelling are interpreted by doctors as common ailments curable with antibiotics course.

Time passes… but NO relief to the symptoms


After loss of precious time, the family reaches world renowned TATA Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.

Registration of the case followed by a battery of tests.

Pathology, x-rays, CT scan, PET scan, MRI, biopsy, and the list goes on.

Nerve biting journey of mental, physical, financial, spiritual roller coaster ride begins.


Awaiting the final diagnosis stage of “C” – has the crab invaded deep into the body temple or

just the beginning.


Prolonged follow-ups

For the family and the innocent child.

Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, immunotherapy, bone marrow transplant.

Running pillars to post

Collecting funds to save the precious life blessed by God.

Many are losing out vital years of education, jobs and business.

Some reach the palliative stage,

Advised by doctors to spend valuable moments with dear ones at home,

Injected with morphine to ease the pain.



To offer emotional and total care, fulfilling their wishes to say the final adieu. Some few fortunate ones manage to live with strong support system and resources.

Wishing peace on their onward journey…


Parul Negi

Hon Vice President Resource Mobilization Deepsikha


Mobile no: 9892540740


  1. Neeru Gupta

    This piece from Parul was very painful….unfortunate but true. Parents die a million deaths every time a needle picks their little bundle of joy…every time they push their young princess on a wheel chair in the corridors of hospitals when she should be going for picnics with her friends…have mercy oh lord!

  2. Rita Bharat Gandhi

    Dear Parul Negi,
    Thank you for the efforts and hard work you have put for Deepsikha . It has really paid off. God Bless you and appreciate time efforts you have put in this project. You are blessed from so many lives to make them happy.

  3. S Kingsley

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful narrative of a dreadful and hopeless journey that most unfortunate victims of this disease experience though living angels like you bring confidence in their lives. Keep refreshing many more lives and may God bless you with best of health and bountiful energy.

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