Globally there are more than 300 000 children diagnosed with cancer each year. Approximately 80 percent of these children live in low-middle income countries. Children in developed countries have an 80 percent chance of survival but for those in developing countries, this figure drops to as low as 10 percent. This is not fair. Childhood cancer can be cured.
Childhood Cancer Awareness month
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month – a time to express support for children with cancer, the survivors and their families. Stronger children’s palliative care has been identified as an essential aspect of best care for children and adolescents with cancer.
As a leading international voice in advocating for the human right of children to receive the expert and compassionate care that palliative care provides, the International Children’s Palliative Care Network (ICPCN) is standing together with thousands across the global to emphasize the important role of palliative care in childhood cancer.
ICPCN’s Chief Executive, Professor Julia Downing, says, “When a child is diagnosed with cancer it is important to not only seek a cure, but to also ensure that care is transformed, and that the child and family have access to palliative care as needed. There is never nothing more that to do – even when cure is not possible, it is still possible to instil hope through the provision of quality palliative care services, promoting quality of life, and addressing the concerns of the children and their families.
This September, let us remember that whilst we strive for a cure, the importance of quality care, such as palliative care, is vital in the ongoing continuum of care for children with cancer – so lets do all that we can to instil hope both through a cure and quality care.”
In honour of this important month ICPCN will be hosting an informative tweetchat with guests Dr Julia Ambler from Umduduzi Hospice Care for Children and Cara Noble from CANSA in South Africa where they will be discussing crucial issues around childhood cancer. Don’t miss out, diarise Thursday 27 September at 15h00 GMT #cpcdialog
Find out how you can be more involved by visiting the World Child Cancer website.
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