Very first Portuguese Paediatric Palliative Care Meeting to take place in Lisbon this October

Categories: Education.

The Portuguese League Against Cancer (Southern section) is organizing the 1st Portuguese Meeting of Paediatric Palliative Care, to be held from 1 – 3 October 2015 in Lisbon. The organization has the collaboration of ICPCN, the Pediatric Taskforce of the Portuguese Association of Palliative Care, the Continued and Palliative Care Taskforce of the Portuguese Society of Pediatrics and the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health.

In the Global Atlas of Palliative Care published last year by WPCA and the WHO, Portugal was considered the least developed Western European country, lacking organised service provision. Therefore, this meeting is most timely as it is urgent to raise public awareness of unmet needs and educate and train healthcare professionals across the country. 

With the presence of ICPCN’s Chief Executive, Joan Marston, Dr Danai Papadatou and Dr Richard Hain, as well as several Portuguese professionals, stakeholders and families, it is expected that this meeting will provide a unique opportunity to develop competencies and networking for quality care of children and families with palliative care needs.

The programme consists of the following presentations . Titles in italics will be in English: 

1 October (Pre-meeting workshops)  

  1. Ethical questions in pediatric palliative care (Richard Hain & Joana Mendes)
  2. Social and spiritual care (Manuela Paiva & Fernanda Ferreira) 
  3. Communicating with the child and family (Joan Marston, Silvia Ramos & Inês Alberty)
  4. Team development and support (Danai Papadatou & Helena Salazar)

2 October

  1. CONFERENCE: Paediatric palliative care – past, present and future (Joan Marston)
  2. ROUND TABLE: Discussion of the Portuguese strategy for the development of PPC
  3. CONFERENCE: Supporting the child and family (Danai Papadatou)
  4. CONFERENCE: Symptom management (Richard Hain)

3 October

  1. ROUND TABLE: Peri and neonatal palliative care 
  2. ROUND TABLE: Transition to adult care
  3. ROUND TABLE: From hospital to home – articulation between providers 
  4. CONFERENCE: Illuminating the private worlds of professionals who care for children who die (Danai Papadatou)

Registration is now open (see link below, in Portuguese only) for the meeting and workshops. Simultaneous translation (English to Portuguese) will be provided. Abstract submission (posters only, with publication in the meeting’s booklet) is open until June 15, 2015.

For any enquiries please contact the secretariat:

Find out more at:

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