If an applicant is successful, a bursary will be provided to pay for the cost of registration, visa application fees (if required), standard air or second class rail travel, public transport or coach fares, reasonable accommodation, and reasonable subsistence expenses.
Applicants are invited to submit an abstract, along with a statement of need in support of their bursary application.
The bursaries will be considered in two categories: Great Britain & Ireland and overseas. Delegates from resource-poor countries will be considered favourably.
The themes for abstracts for the 10th Palliative Care Congress are:
- allied health professionals and palliative care
- models of palliative care provision
- paediatric palliative care
- palliative care for those with non-malignant disease
- beyond cancer
- pain and symptom control in palliative care
- primary palliative care
- user-led research in palliative care
- the care of older people
- place of death
- research methods
- decision making
- compassion in palliative care
- transitional care
- supportive care.
The call for papers for bursary abstracts will open on 11 March 2013, and the closing date is 8 May 2013. Notification of outcomes will come 10 June 2013. The main call for papers will open 24 May 2013 and close 27 September 2013.
More information about the bursary abstract application process can be found on the Palliative Care Congress website.
Delegates interested in attending can fill in an expression of interest form, and will be contacted when registration opens in August 2013.
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