Community resilience in practice: Public Health and Palliative Care International on creating compassionate communities

Categories: Education.

A public health approach to end of life care views the community as an equal partner in the long and complex task of providing quality healthcare at the end of life. All members of Public Health and Palliative Care International hold this principle to be true and commit their respective organizations to this value and vision of end of life care. 

Our conference is held every two years. The 2015 conference will be held from 13-15 May, with pre conference visits 11-12 May,
in Bristol, UK

The theme of the 2015 conference is: ‘Community Resilience in Practice’. 

The main focus of the conference is community resilience, with practical examples of how caring communities can look after their dying and how professional organisations can support and help develop these communities. 

These include:

  • Participatory Learning – Bill Crooks of Mosaic Creative, Workshop Facilitator; Dr Alice Welbourn, Founding Director and Chair of Trustees of the Salamander Trust.
  • Public Health and Policy – Dr Denise Marshall, Palliative Care Provincial Lead, Cancer Care Ontario.
  • Low Resource Communities in End of Life Care – Dr Faith Mwangi-Powell, Chief of Party, University Research Co. LLC Centre, Nairobi.
  • Learning from Other Sectors – Dr Satoko Hotta, Researcher, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training.
  • Engaging Communities – Social and Cultural Diversity – Elizabeth Bayliss, Executive Director, Social Action for Health; Manjula Patel, Health and Social Executive Officer, Murray Hall Community.
  • Reframing Dying, Loss and Grief – Dr Julian Abel, Medical Director Weston Hospicecare; Richard Smith, Chair of the Board of Trustees of icddr,b, Chair of the Board of Patients Know Best and Trustee of C3 Collaborating for Health.

You can view the conference programme online and registration is still open

The conference will offer the opportunity for delegates to attend successful community project sites in England, and then come together in The Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre in Bristol, England, for the three day conference event.

Contact Marie or visit the Public Health and Palliative Care International website for all the details. You can also join our mail list for updates.

Follow the conference hashtag #PHPC15 on Twitter and keep up to date via the event Facebook page

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