Convention on the rights of older persons- Online survey now open

Categories: Policy.

Interested people from the palliative care community can use this opportunity to ensure that palliative care is included in the convention.

UN Member States are meeting in the Open Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG) to consider proposals for new human rights instruments to protect the rights of older people globally.

HelpAge International believe that a new UN convention on the rights of older persons would be the best universal protection of the rights of older people under international law. As such, they have asked for input into an online survey on what civil society wants to see in a new convention.

While UN conventions are agreed by governments, support cannot be built without the backing and advocacy of older people. Civil society plays a key role in making this happen and in holding governments to account for the decisions they make. 

HelpAge is requesting participation in survey to help to produce a “Statement of Principles” that will unite the voices of civil society to tell governments what they want a new human rights instrument to deliver.

The consultation survey can be available online

  • the survey will officially close on 15 June 2013
  • all responses are anonymous
  • both individuals and organisations can respond to the survey, but no special weighting will be given to organisational responses statistically.

The final Statement of Principles will be published before the next meeting of the OEWG in August 2013 and will be a tool all civil society can use to talk to governments about supporting effective proposals for a new human rights instrument for older people.

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