In Jordan, a four-hour palliative care workshop was created with the goal of spreading awareness of palliative care among health care workers. More than 1000 participants attended the workshop.
Palliative care was introduced in the curriculum in the Hashimate University School of Medicine. A professional diploma: ‘Palliative Care and Pain Diploma’ was created by the Arab Academy for Palliative Care, affiliated with the German Jordanian University. More than 50 healthcare workers graduated, about 30% of which are from other Arab countries.
National palliative care guidelines were created and were accredited by the Ministry of Health.
A ‘Wellness House’ programme was created. This is a group therapy programme that works towards promoting quality of life for patients with chronic illnesses through a holistic approach.
In order to meet the need for publication and materials in the local language, three books about palliative care and pain management were published in Arabic. A series of Arabic-language short films (more than 50 films) was also created.
Most of the physicians and health care workers in Jordan lack the knowledge and skills needed for pain control and end of life care.
The Jordan Palliative Care Society was established in January 2010. The vision of the society is to make palliative care accessible for all people in need. It is dedicated to capacity building by training in palliative care.
Civil society have produced a report detailing progress on implementing the WHA Palliative Care resolution including case studies from Jordan and other countries.
Civil society have produced a report detailing progress on implementing the WHA Palliative Care resolution including case studies from Romania and other countries. You can access the report on the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance website.
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