Latin American advocacy fellowship on drug policy
The Global Drug Policy and Latin America Programs at Open Society Foundations invite applications to the Latin American Advocacy Fellowship Program on Drug Policy Reform. Fellows will be hosted in drug policy organizations in Amsterdam (Transnational Institute) or in New York (Harm Reduction Coalition).
The deadline for applications is 31 August 2013.
Find out more information and how to apply on the IDPC website.
UNDP requests proposals for HIV prevention, treatment and care in prison in Sub-Saharan Africa
UNDP South Africa, on behalf of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), is requesting proposals from international institutions to support its efforts aiming at HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in prison settings in Sub-Sahara Africa.
The deadline for proposals is 13 September 2013.
Find out more information and how to apply on the IDPC website.
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