Don’t miss out on the chance to nominate an outstanding early career researcher or clinician to be one of the three next EAPC Early Researcher Award winners.
Supervisors/mentors can nominate someone or candidates can also nominate themselves. Researchers from any country can apply, not just those based in Europe.
The award aims to highlight personal career development and potential for the future. The winner of the first place will be invited to present his/her work to an international audience by giving a lecture at the 14th World Congress of the EAPC.
Applications will be accepted until 30 November 2014. More information including submission link and criteria can be found on the congress website.
Online registration now open
The 14th World Congress is being held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 8 to 10 May 2015.
The theme of the congress will be ‘Building Bridges’, highlighting the fact that palliative care practice is complex and challenging and that its success depends on building bridges between different professional and non professional groups, disciplines, countries, regions and continents.
Register for World Congress before 15 February 2015 at the early bird rate. Register for the congress and book your accommodation via the congress website.
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