According to IAPO: “On Saturday 3 December 2016, patients from across the world will come together to celebrate Patient Solidarity Day. This is a unique opportunity for patients, patients’ groups and others to stand together in our claim that patient-centred Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is essential and that no-one can be left behind.
“Patient-centred UHC means that everyone across the world people receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship when accessing them. The full spectrum of essential, safe and quality health services should be covered including health promotion, prevention and treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.
“We need your help to make this happen. With your support, we can raise greater awareness and improve the lives of patients across the globe.”
You can sign up to the Thunderclap online here, to show your support for this campaign.
Read more about UHC and palliative care in reports by the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance: Palliative Care and the Global Goal for Health; and Universal Health Coverage and Palliative Care: Do not leave those suffering behind.
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