Montreal update: International Primary Palliative Care Research Group meeting

Categories: Education.

The group, aimed at advocating for improved recognition of the role of primary care in the delivery of palliative care, first met in Quebec City in Canada in 2005. Since then they have formed many international collaborations in this area.

The group met to share findings of research and discuss the challenges of providing palliative care in the primary health care setting. 

Initial discussions focused around identify palliative care patients within the primary care setting – How do you define a palliative care patient? How do you identify them in the community? Once you have identified them, what care and support can you provide? 

Research discussed included that of the SPICT (Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool), the Gold Standards Framework, the NAT:PD-C and searching electronic databases. 

Participants from Canada then shared their experiences and innovations in primary palliative care and discussions ensured with regards to how we can work within different systems to facilitate primary palliative care. 

Finally the facilitators and barriers to involvement in primary palliative care, hearing from diverse settings within Australia, Canada and Europe. 

Experiences in undertaking research along with lessons learnt, were shared. 

The day was rounded off with the AGM for the International Primary Palliative Care Research Group, and the opportunity to review what has been achieved since 2005 and plan for the way ahead. 

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