New resource aims to help improve access to palliative care worldwide

Categories: Leadership.

IssueLab’s new ‘Improving Access to Palliative Care‘ collection is the product of a partnership between Atlantic Philanthropies and Foundation Center.

The collection contains more that eighty documents that provide valuable insight into why millions of people cannot access palliative care and on what organisations worldwide are doing to help them.

The documents have been gathered from non-profits and foundations around the world – including African Palliative Care Association, Cicely Saunders International, Help the Hospices, Human Rights Watch, King’s College London, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Palliative Care Australia and World Health Organization.

For each resource, the collection pulls out the key findings and indexes each document by the barriers and solutions discussed in each.

For example, if you are interested in how cultural and religious norms act as a barrier to accessing palliative care, you can browse to this category to find 17 relevant resources.

In a blog post on the Atlantic Philathropies website, Gail Birkbeck, Strategic Learning and Evaluation Executive, explains: “The reports in the collection contain valuable findings that reflect deep, practical knowledge and expertise. The gray literature provides a different – often more hands-on – view than academic and clinical research, and the dynamic nature of the collection ensures that there is access to recent work in the field, from both Atlantic grantees and others.”

Gabriela Fitz, Director of Knowledge Management at the Foundation Center and co-founder of its IssueLab service, adds: “Both the Foundation Center and Atlantic hope that this collective body of knowledge will contribute to and support the efforts of those working to ensure that – sooner rather than later – anyone can get the care they need, no matter who they are or where they live.”

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